If someone abuses antidepressants, he or she can develop an addiction. Most people who develop an antidepressant drug addiction can’t stop using on their own. If they want to stop, they have to reach out and get help. If you think you or a loved one might need help with an antidepressant addiction, it’s important to look for the signs of addiction.

What does antidepressant drug addiction look like?

sad woman has antidepressant drug addictionPeople who struggle with anti-depressant addiction won’t be able to hide it. Signs of addiction always emerge.

Those struggling with anti-depressant addiction will lose interest in past hobbies and social activities. They’ll also make regular appointments with multiple doctors. This means they’ll have different bottles and prescriptions for the same drug lying around. People with severe addiction problems can experiences seizures, hallucinations, aggression, and irritability.

Even if there are negative consequences, people with an addiction will continue their drug use. That’s because users will experience withdrawal symptoms anytime they stop using. Symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

The withdrawal process can be incredibly uncomfortable or even deadly for people who don’t seek medical help.

What treatment programs are best for people struggling with drug addiction?

Most people with an antidepressant addiction need to go through detox first. Detox programs help patients work through withdrawal. Once detox is complete, patients can move on to the next stage of treatment.

The next stage of the recovery process is usually rehab. During rehab, patients will live in an addiction treatment facility and enter programs that focus on their personal journey to sobriety. Counselors choose the programs clients enter based on their goals, experiences, family support, and other personal factors. Throughout treatment, they’ll reshape the way they behave, think, and act, which will help them maintain their sobriety long after they’ve left treatment.

Many people who enter rehab for antidepressant addiction should go through a dual diagnosis program. Patients enrolled in a dual diagnosis program are recovering from addiction and also have a mental health condition, like depression. They meet with a trained therapist who works with them through their mental health issues. Additionally, their therapist may prescribe medication and make sure the client remains psychologically healthy throughout the recovery experience.

Where To Start Antidepressant Drug Addiction Rehab

After you’ve finished detox, you’ll need a quality rehab center with caring staff that’s focused on your personal recovery. Pinnacle Peak Recovery can be that place for you. Our facility, staff, and programs will help you heal and recover.

You aren’t helpless against your antidepressant addiction. With the right help, you can heal. Call Pinnacle Peak Recovery at 866-377-4761 to start your recovery process today.


Pinnacle Peak Recovery