Treatment Guarantee

Our team at Pinnacle Peak Recovery, located in Arizona, understands that recovery isn’t always a straight line. We’re dedicated to your recovery, regardless of whatever roadblocks you may or may not encounter along the way. 

We believe in our methods and dedication to our clients so strongly that we offer a treatment guarantee. Let’s go into more detail about this, what the program looks like, and how we plan to guide you through long-term recovery.

Our Treatment Guarantee

Our guarantee extends beyond a simple, set-in-stone treatment program. No single path is perfect for everyone, and we live by that in the way we treat and work with our clients. As a part of our Proven Process, we track progress as a client moves through the program. Our team works alongside our clients and will react to success, or lack thereof, in real time. The program is adaptable, and we will adjust it as clients move through the process to continue to ensure that it fits each client’s specific needs. This level of flexibility and tailored care is more effective and successful in setting the foundation for long-term recovery. It also helps reduce drop-out rates.

If clients go through all eight steps of our proven process program, then they’re eligible for our treatment guarantee. This means that at any point within the year following their treatment program completion, our team will continue to support them if relapse or other concerns arise. 


What is Our Guarantee?

How do you define “success” within recovery? Success in treatment can be defined in numerous ways, but at Pinnacle Peak Recovery, we have a focused perspective. We define long-term success as maintaining stability within your first year. For individuals dealing with a substance use disorder, this means achieving and maintaining sobriety. For those dealing with mental health disorders, stability may look different, but the goal remains the same. 

If you experience instability at any point during your first year after completing our program and your therapist—who must be a trusted partner within our network—recommends a higher level of care, we will honor that recommendation. Your well-being is our priority, and we are committed to supporting you in achieving lasting recovery.

Our guarantee is that you will continue to find support and care throughout your recovery journey. We see our clients like family, and we strive to emulate that in everything we do – this means not abandoning them just because they’re no longer within our doors.

It’s important to note that the goal of our guarantee program is to provide a support system, and it’s not a replacement for a person’s commitment to their recovery. We want to work alongside you to help you achieve your healing goals. 

Alumni Success Metrics

For clients who successfully completed our proven process
69.21% response rate
70.30% made it to at least 1 year of continuous sobriety
91.86% are compliant with their medication
71.84% have regular contact with their Primary Care Physician
83.11% are currently employed

pinnacle peak recovery guarantee

PPR Guarantee:

If you experience a relapse or significant instability within your first year of recovery after successfully completing our proven process, we will bring you back in for 30 days of residential care at no cost, provided you have been seeing a therapist within our trusted network.


What happens if I leave early?

If a client is admitted under the terms of this guarantee they must complete the entire length of stay. Any early departure for any reason will result in forfeiture of the remaining days. 

What About Travel Expenses?

The client will be responsible for any travel expenses getting to or from the treatment facility.

What is Covered Under the Guarantee?

The treatment episode is covered. Ancillary services, medications, and certain other charges are the client’s responsibility.

How Do I Claim the Guarantee?

Give us a call at 866-377-4761 to let us know you are claiming the guarantee.  We will help you determine your eligibility and get you set up.

Pinnacle Peak’s Treatment Guarantee: Terms and Conditions

Scope: This guarantee applies to any individual who has completed our “Proven Process.”

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for this guarantee, the individual must have completed our program in its entirety, complied with all its requirements, and been seeing a therapist within our trusted network. Additionally, the therapist must recommend a higher level of care. Clients must also follow all treatment recommendations given by the therapist. If a client wishes to change clinicians, they must be within the same practice or call Pinnacle Peak Recovery for an alternative referral.

Guarantee Period: This guarantee is effective for one (1) year following the date of successful completion of the program.

Relapse or Instability: If you experience a relapse or significant instability within one year of completing the program, we will provide additional treatment support. The nature and extent of this support will be determined through a comprehensive assessment by our team of professionals.

Treatment Options: After the assessment, if residential treatment is deemed appropriate, we will provide 30 days of residential care at our treatment center. If outpatient treatment is determined to be more beneficial, we will provide 60 days of outpatient treatment services. The choice between residential and outpatient treatment will be made solely by our team of professionals based on your needs and circumstances.

Scholarship Eligibility Disqualifiers:

  • Client must receive the first session no more than two weeks post-discharge.
  • Zero tolerance for no-call no-shows during therapy.
  • No more than two no-shows in a row.
  • Clients must follow all treatment recommendations given by the therapist; otherwise, they can be disqualified from the guarantee.
  • If a client wishes to change clinicians, they must be within the same practice or call Pinnacle Peak Recovery for an alternative referral.
  • Maintain an active release of information with Pinnacle Peak Recovery and the referred therapist.
  • Client must be an active participant in therapy; showing up and not doing the work is not satisfactory.
  • If a client requires a level one facility, they must complete that prior to receiving a scholarship with Pinnacle Peak Recovery.

Guarantee Expiry: This guarantee becomes null and void one year after the date of successful completion of the program. Any relapse or instability occurring after this one-year period will not be covered by this guarantee.

Non-transferability: This guarantee is non-transferable and applies solely to the individual who completed the treatment program.

Claiming the Guarantee: To claim the guarantee, you must contact our center directly and provide full details of your situation. Our team will then conduct an assessment to determine the appropriate course of action.

Disclaimer: Clients will still require an assessment by Pinnacle Peak Recovery and must meet eligibility standards for readmission. The scholarship guarantee only covers treatment through Pinnacle Peak Recovery. If requiring a higher level of care for treatment, clients will need to utilize personal insurance or private pay to receive those services. Pinnacle Peak Recovery is always happy to connect clients to care if it is beyond our scope.

Limitations: This guarantee does not cover instances where you discontinue your recovery efforts, do not comply with our team's recommendations, or engage in any behavior that compromises your recovery.

Modification & Termination: We reserve the right to modify or terminate this guarantee at any time, with or without notice. However, any changes will not affect guarantees already in place.

Please note that this guarantee is intended to support individuals in their recovery journey, not to replace or supersede ongoing personal commitment to recovery. It is crucial that each individual continues their efforts and follows all recommended recovery strategies, even after successful completion of the program.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery