cycle of addiction infographic - Pinnacle Peak Recovery

By some estimates, there are more than 20 million Americans who struggle with some form of addiction. There’s no magic cure for addiction, and recovery requires treatment. It also helps to understand the cycle of addiction. Knowledge of this cycle can help prevent relapse and aid in lasting recovery.

Using an Addictive Substance for the First Time

The use of the potentially addictive substance is something virtually all adults partake in. Most adults over the age of 21, for example, consume alcohol at one point or another. That means that the majority of people have set off on the cycle to an addiction.

Fortunately, most people who use addictive substances won’t develop an addiction. This is especially true in the case of alcohol. Nonetheless, a single use can be the catalyst for addiction.

Abusing That Addictive Substance

The second phase in the cycle is a pattern of substance use. This is routine and inappropriate use of any addictive substance.

For college students, this could be binge drinking alcohol. For others, it might be the inappropriate use of a prescription painkiller. Any improper use of a potentially dangerous substance is abuse and is one step closer to developing an addiction.

Developing a Tolerance for the Substance

The third phase of the cycle is an increased tolerance. The dose of drugs or alcohol that was once sufficient no longer will be. As the tolerance increases, dependence is very likely.

Trying to quit or cut back at this stage can be tough. There may be a physical dependence, a psychological dependence, or both. While an addiction might not yet be a concern, it’s on the horizon.

Developing an Addiction

The fourth phase is the development of an addiction. Drug addiction treatment is the only solution, but just a fraction of those suffering from addiction actually get appropriate treatment.

An addiction means that no matter the consequences, the focus is entirely on procuring the next high. Financial, relationship or health problems won’t necessarily be a deterrent in the face of an addiction.

Relapsing Through Subsequent Substance Abuse

Relapse rates for addiction hover between 40 and 60%. Relapse is most likely to happen when patients don’t get the right kind of support and treatment for their addiction. Detox isn’t sufficient, and true recovery often involves rehab.

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

The cycle of addiction can continue indefinitely until individuals seek help. Break the cycle once and for all at Pinnacle Peak Recovery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Call 866-377-4761 to learn more about addiction treatment and what it takes to overcome addiction.


Pinnacle Peak Recovery