Krokodil Addiction and Recovery

One of the scariest drugs is a derivative of morphine called desomorphine. The street name for this dangerous drug is Krokodil. Krokodil is a narcotic that can leave devastating problems in its wake. Few people have heard of the drug, yet it impacts millions. Learn more about the drug, its side effects and how to approach recovery.

lonely man addicted to krokodil

This drug, which is also known as desomorphine or Permonid, is a variation on morphine. Its name is German for crocodile because it’s quite literally the drug that eventually eats its users. This shocking substance is a yellow or orange liquid that users inject into their bodies. At the injection sites, flesh can actually rot and then disintegrate because of the drug.

Desomorphine is a toxic cocktail. Like meth, manufacturers typically make it in small batches. It’s not a prescription medication, and there’s never a safe way to use or consume the drug.

Individuals first began using this drug in Siberia in 2002, but by 2013 it was already causing destruction in the United States. Manufacturers make the drug by mixing prescription-strength codeine with a range of harsh chemicals. A sample batch might contain paint thinner, gasoline, hydrochloric acid and the red tips of matches.

It takes about 30 minutes to mix up a batch of the drug, and then it lasts about two hours in the blood stream. For many addicts that abuse the drug, life is a constant cycle of use and manufacture. This makes it imperative to get substance use treatment help right away.

How Addiction Develops

Quite simply, addiction develops because the primary ingredient in the drug is codeine. Codeine is an opioid drug and a narcotic. Like other opioid drugs, including heroin, krokodil is highly addictive. If you or someone you know struggles with Krokodil or another Codeine addiction visit our Codeine rehab program at Pinnacle Peak Recovery.

After trying the drug just one time, the risk of addiction is well over 23%. That means that virtually everyone who tries the drug four times will develop an addiction.

Few people start using desomorphine out of the blue, although that does happen. Most often, people with heroin addictions turn to desomorphine when their drug access dries up. Desomorphine is cheaper than heroin, and in some areas, it can cost just one-tenth of the price.

If individuals can’t meet their craving for heroin, then desomorphine may seem like the only viable alternative. Even individuals who know the tremendous risks and symptoms of the drug may turn to it when they don’t have an alternative to feed an opiate addiction.

Symptoms of an Addiction to Desomorphine

Many of the drug's side effects are visible, making it easy to spot an addiction. The injection sites are the areas where it’s easiest to tell something is very wrong. The drug can cause blood poisoning and nerve damage, and the skin may look green, scaled and bumpy just like the skin of a crocodile.

If a user misses his or her vein and injects the drug into the flesh, which is fairly common, it can begin to rot and literally disintegrate. If you spot these symptoms, it’s critical to find a loved one help as quickly as possible.

The Road to Recovery From Krokodil Addiction

The process of recovery from this drug addiction is similar to heroin, although many people believe it to be even worse. The only way to overcome addiction is through professional addiction treatment programs. After detox, patients can transition to Pinnacle Peak Recovery to start working toward permanent change. Some treatment methods that we offer include:

  • Dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapies
  • Group counseling
  • Fitness, meditation and yoga therapies
  • Experiential therapies
  • Individual talk therapy

Krokodil is a dangerous drug, and it can lead to severe problems. Fortunately, a quality rehab program at Pinnacle Peak Recovery in Scottsdale, Arizona, can make a big difference. Call 866-377-4761 to begin taking back control over the life you deserve.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery