The Link Between Drugs and Crime Infographic

Substance abuse, whether concerning alcohol or drugs, can have many negative effects on people’s lives. It can cause health problems, ruin careers and tear apart families. However, one of the biggest risks is the connection between drugs and crime. Learn more about this link and why people who use drugs often break the law.

Types of Drug-Related Crimes

Individuals who suffer from substance use and addiction could be involved in a range of criminal acts. The three categories of the most common drug-related crimes are use-, economic- and system-related.

  • Use-related acts result from or involve people who use drugs. They typically break the law because the drugs have changed their behaviors and the way that they think.
  • Economic-related acts involve people who are trying to fund their drug habit. The most common of these are prostitution and theft.
  • System-related acts usually result from how the drug system is structured. They involve making, selling and transporting drugs. Violence related to these activities might also occur.

Common Types of Drug-Related Crimes

Within these categories are four types of offenses that are most common among people who abuse drugs. Drug offenses are obvious, such as drug possession and trafficking. Property crimes such as arson, burglary, larceny, property damage, shoplifting, and theft are among also common offenses.

Public order crimes include public drunkenness, prostitution, unruly behavior and illegal possession of weapons. Violent crimes are acts such as assault, forcible rape, homicide, and robbery.

The Link Between Certain Drugs and Crime

Research and national data show that people who have a dependence on drugs are most likely to commit property crimes. However, robbery is also common among these individuals. This is because they’re trying to feed their drug habit.

There’s also a connection between drug use and the sale of children, women, and men in the sex trade. On the other hand, many people who abuse or are dependent on drugs use sex to cope.

Since alcohol is legal, it plays a big role in violent crimes. This includes domestic violence such as child and spousal abuse. Statistics show that drinkers commit almost half of all reported assaults and homicides. In the majority of alcohol-related cases, the victims of violent crimes know their attackers.

Why People Commit These Crimes

Drug-related crimes are mainly a result of the chemical changes that drugs cause in people’s brains. Their bodies develop a dependency on the drugs to function. As a result, they typically suffer from withdrawal symptoms when they don’t get the dose that they need. Often, these symptoms cause them do whatever they can to fuel that habit and curb the cravings.

Substance abuse is also an expensive habit. A lot of people who become dependent and begin to have financial trouble. They spend all of their money on drugs even when they need that money to pay for living essentials. Lack of funds can also lead them to break the law to get drugs that they can no longer afford.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery Offers Effective Drug Rehab

If someone you love has a substance use problem, seek effective drug rehab treatment at Pinnacle Peak Recovery. We use evidence-based and holistic treatment methods to guide men and women to sobriety. Our team of specialists and therapists have the necessary training to treat many types of substance use and addiction, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Meth
  • Opiates and opioids

Don’t let drugs and crime lead a loved one to a lifetime of misery. If you need to, stage an addiction intervention. Then help your loved one overcome the challenge of substance use by seeking treatment. Call Pinnacle Peak Recovery now at 866-377-4761 to learn about our drug programs.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery