woman hangs her head over illicit drug use

Illicit drug use starts innocently enough. Most people tell themselves that they’ll only use the drug once. Then they use it again and tell themselves they’ll stop before it becomes a problem. Finally, one day they wake up and realize addiction is real, and they need help for a problem that began so easily.

Why do people start illicit drug use?

woman hangs her head over illicit drug useIllicit drug use begins for a number of reasons. The most common reason is just wanting to see what a drug feels like. Others use drugs to relax or escape troubles. Still, others use drugs the first time because they feel pressured by others around them.

No matter why anyone uses drugs the first, second, or third time, drugs are addictive and can wreck your life. Addiction creeps in quickly and takes over before you know it. This disease often begins with physical tolerance to the drug, which increases over time so you have to take more to feel the same high.

Once addiction sets us, quitting becomes difficult. The body goes into withdrawal when you try to quit. This makes you feel sick, uncomfortable, depressed, and anxious. Some withdrawal effects are deadly.

These symptoms occur because your body adapted to the drug and now needs it to function properly. The only way out of the cycle is to undergo addiction treatment.

How Addiction Treatment Helps Stop Drug Use

There are several steps to addiction treatment. Each of these steps plays an important role in gaining lasting recovery from drugs or alcohol. The first step is going through withdrawal in a quality detox program. In detox, your body cleanses itself of drugs and other toxins, returning your brain and the rest of your body to normal, drug-free functioning.

The second step to recovery is treatment in a quality addiction treatment center. Also, known as rehab, this second step is critical. Many people feel good after detox, so they decide to skip rehab. However, the reality is that there are no shortcuts to lasting sobriety.

In rehab, you gain the therapies you need to better understand your addiction. Additionally, you learn how your addiction started and why you used drugs in the first place. You also gain coping skills to help you avoid relapse. You learn how to live in sobriety for a happy, healthy life.

Drug Rehab in Scottsdale, Arizona

There are many options for Scottsdale detox programs and rehabs today. But you need a rehab program you can trust, one that partners with detox facilities for a smooth transition from the first step to the second. In Scottsdale, Arizona, Pinnacle Peak Recovery provides accredited rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction.

Programs at Pinnacle Peak include:

If you or someone you love is ready to end your addiction to drugs or alcohol, call Pinnacle Peak Recovery now at 866-377-4761. You can end your drug addiction for a better life.


Pinnacle Peak Recovery