Is Drug Addiction a Disease

Many people ask, “Is drug addiction a disease?” It’s important for any individual who asks this question to educate themselves on this subject. Without an understanding of what drug addiction actually is, people can’t get the help they need. It’s extremely important for a person struggling with addiction to understand that they’re sick. This is also very important for the loved ones of the person so they can understand that addiction isn’t a character flaw.

Is Drug Addiction a Disease?

The Surgeon General of the United States made a statement in November of 2016 that addiction is a disease. He even said that addiction is beginning to become a bigger problem than cancer in the United States. Different organizations like the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) perform tests to show how addiction affects the brain. Brain scans show that the brain of someone with an addiction functions differently than the brains of individuals who don’t have addictions.

One of the core differences in the brain of someone who has an addiction is a change in the front region of the brain. This part of the brain is the prefrontal cortex, and it’s what allows people to make logical decisions. Part of the prefrontal cortex’s job is to moderate the flow of dopamine, but some brains can’t do this properly. Not only does this part of the brain regular how a person prioritizes his or her life, but it also has some of these other functions, including the abilities to:

  • Be self-aware
  • Control one’s impulses
  • Show empathy
  • Regulate emotions
  • Moderate fear

Educating Someone with an Addiction

One of the worst addiction symptoms is a person’s lack of ability self-awareness. Often this causes him or her to deny the problem. Learning about how addiction affects the brain helps a person understand why he or she can’t simply stop using. This can also be of some relief because many people have self-hatred for what they’ve done.

Knowing that you’re dealing with an illness and that you’re not a bad person allows you to begin forgiving yourself. Once you acknowledge that you have a problem, it’s time for you to do something about it. Finding drug rehab services is one way that you can heal your mind and stay sober. Without learning how to stay sober, you’re going to continue doing the things that hurt yourself and your loved ones.

Educating Loved Ones About Addiction

It’s extremely important for friends, family, co-workers and employers to understand that addiction is a disease. People often resent individuals dealing with addiction because they become different people. The reality is that they’re suffering from a very serious illness that alters the brain. Grasping the disease concept allows you to have some empathy and will also give you hope for recovery.

Is drug addiction a disease that’s ruining your life? Allow Pinnacle Peak Recovery to help you and your loved ones begin healing through our recovery services by calling us today at 866-377-4761.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery