5 Signs of Drug Abuse

If someone you love struggles with drug addiction, then one of the best things you can do is help them to find professional treatment. However, it isn’t always easy to recognize drug addiction or abuse in others. Learning to recognize the top 5 signs of drug abuse can help you secure treatment for your loved ones.

1. Common Physical Signs of Drug Abuse

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of drug abuse are physical in nature. It’s important to keep in mind that many of these signs vary depending on the type of drug that an individual abuses. Some of the most common physical effects of drug abuse, many of which might be noticed by loved ones, include the following:

  • Bloodshot eyes or altered pupil size
  • Needle marks or bruises on injection sites
  • Runny nose or flu-like symptoms
  • Sweating or unusual temperature fluctuations

2. Behavioral Changes

When friends or family members begin to abuse drugs, they’ll often begin to act differently. Drug abuse has a way of changing the way people think, act and behave in a number of ways.

Many people who abuse drugs begin to withdraw from their social or family circles. Or, if they do show up, they might withdraw or isolate themselves. Individuals who were once shy may suddenly be more outgoing, and those who are normally cheerful could be sullen.

Some behavioral changes can be explained outside of drug use. Divorce, a broken relationship or getting fired from a job can all cause similar changes to behavior. However, this behavior along with other factors can be a clear warning sign of a bigger problem that requires addiction treatment.

3. Alterations to Appearance

Sometimes, the biggest sign that someone needs addiction treatment is when their appearance begins to drastically change. Drug use can cause either a severe appetite increase or decrease, which often leads to weight fluctuations.

However, you may also notice other changes. For instance, a person who normally dresses well and spends time on hair and makeup could begin to neglect these habits. Or, a man who’s normally clean shaven might suddenly start to look scruffy. Combined with other factors, these could be worrying signs of a big change to a person’s lifestyle.

4. Unusual Sleeping Patterns

One of the most disruptive aspects of drug abuse is how much it can impact sleep patterns. Some drugs, including drugs like heroin and certain prescription medications, increase sleep and encourage nodding off. On the other side of that coin, stimulants, such as cocaine and Adderall, might actually decrease sleep. Both types of changes to sleep patterns are problematic and can be symptomatic of serious drug abuse or even addiction.

5. Drug Paraphernalia

If you spot drug paraphernalia, then there’s a good chance your friend or loved one is using drugs. Drug users may have items such as clear plastic baggies, lighters, tubing, burnt spoons or rolled up paper in their space.

If you see notice any of these signs of drug abuse, then your loved one may need drug rehab services. At Pinnacle Peak Recovery in Arizona, we can help. Call 866-377-4761 to help your friend or loved one find the right addiction recovery program for him or her.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery