young man wonders what is spice

Spice sounds harmless enough. But this drug is sweeping the nation and causing many people to experience serious problems related to substance use. So what is spice and what harm does it cause?

What is spice?

young man wonders what is spiceMany people wonder, “What is spice?” Spice is plant material that drug manufacturers coat with synthetic material. People smoke spice for a high but the drug is widely available in places like gas stations or smoke shops. Because manufacturers market spice as a “natural” alternative to marijuana and it’s legal, most people think spice is safe and non-addictive.

Contrary to popular belief, spice is a very dangerous, addictive substance. Using spice can result in many side effects and withdrawal symptoms. These effects have led many regions to ban spice use while other cities, states and countries still aren’t aware of the drug’s dangers.

Effects of Using Spice

Smoking spice can cause psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and paranoia. Other possible effects are kidney failure, heart attacks, reduced blood flow to the heart and lasting heart problems.

In the short term, spice causes a relaxing high with euphoria. Chemicals in the drug are the cause of problems like increased heart rate, high blood pressure, vomiting, paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations, panic attacks and aggression. In the long term, the drug can cause serious heart and kidney damage. Some people also have seizures when using spice.

Individuals who use spice regularly may develop physical addiction. When they stop using this drug, it causes their body to go into withdrawal. There’s a variety of negative symptoms of spice withdrawal, including:

  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Tremor
  • Cravings
  • Paranoia and hallucinations
  • Mood changes and depression
  • Suicidal ideation

When using spice leads to addiction, it’s important to seek spice addiction treatment immediately. Through rehab, recovery is possible.

Spice Addiction Rehab in Arizona

In Scottsdale, Arizona, Pinnacle Peak Recovery provides drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Programs available at Pinnacle Peak include:

Pinnacle Peak offers accredited programs that include dual diagnosis treatment for clients with co-occurring conditions of addiction and mental illness. Additionally, we combine traditional therapies with experiential and holistic methods. Holistic therapies include equine therapy, yoga, Tai Chi, meditation and physical fitness. Together, these programs help build stronger recovery and life balance.

If you or someone you love is struggling with spice addiction, help is available in Scottsdale. You deserve a better life of good health and balance in recovery. Call Pinnacle Peak Recovery now for more information and insurance verification at 866-377-4413.


Pinnacle Peak Recovery