Can You Overdose on Xanax

woman holding a pill and glass wonders can you overdose on xanaxXanax is a benzodiazepine, making it a prescription drug that physicians prescribe for health issues such as panic disorder and anxiety. While some individuals use Xanax as their doctors prescribe, others use it incorrectly and develop a prescription drug addiction. Because of this, it’s important to know the answer to, “Can you overdose on Xanax?”

So, Can You Overdose on Xanax?

The answer is a resounding, “yes.” Of course, the most obvious cause of a Xanax overdose is simply taking too much of the prescription medication. However, it’s very rare for an individual to overdose on Xanax alone. In the cases that it does happen, unsupervised use, increased tolerance and combining drugs are all potential causes.

If patients use Xanax exactly as their physician prescribes, an overdose is less likely. When patients don’t have a prescription or are using Xanax recreationally, it’s harder to ensure that they’re taking a safe amount. Taking too much can quickly lead to an overdose, especially in conjunction with other depressants.

Over time, those who have an addiction to Xanax will develop an increase in tolerance. This means that individuals need to consume increasingly larger amounts of Xanax in order to feel the same effects. As people take more Xanax, the risk of an overdose grows exponentially.

Finally, it is important to look at those individuals who combine Xanax with other drugs and illicit substances. Mixing drugs is a common way for individuals to increase a high, but this is an incredibly dangerous move that can lead to fatal overdose risks.

Mild Symptoms of a Xanax Overdose

There are varying degrees to which a Xanax overdose can impact individuals. An overdose may only have mild effects on the individuals. These less severe symptoms might include symptoms like confusion, dizziness, and blurred vision. While Xanax seeks to reduce anxiety, an overdose might actually result in increased anxiety.

Severe Symptoms of a Xanax Overdose

A Xanax overdose can also lead to more severe symptoms. Slurred speech, respiratory problems, and unresponsiveness can all occur. In the worst scenarios, an individual’s respiratory system may stop working, causing coma or death.

Preventing Overdose

To avoid an overdose on Xanax, it’s critical to end your addiction to prescription drugs. There’s no safe way to abuse drugs like Xanax, and with every use comes the risk of addiction and eventual overdose. Thankfully, there are ways to end your active addiction once and for all.

In our benzo addiction treatment program, patients can learn why they developed a problem with prescription pill abuse in the first place. Additionally, they gain coping skills and learn to prevent relapse through a variety of approaches, including:

  • Behavioral therapies
  • Group therapy
  • Addiction awareness and education
  • Creation of healthy habits and routines
  • Relapse prevention techniques

Can you overdose on Xanax? Absolutely. Thankfully, Pinnacle Peak Recovery in Scottsdale, Arizona, can help you break ties to prescription drugs like Xanax. Call 866-377-4761 to start on the path to recovery.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery